sábado, 21 de maio de 2016

Beautiful cardigan with crochet pattern

Today I have a beautiful free crochet design for the fashionable and charming women. Muto easy to do. This cardigan free crochet are not beautiful? I hope you enjoy it very well as I liked. Follows the pattern and graphics for the free production of this model.
The colors are free, you choose. It's a real charm to the imposing women. I hope you liked it. If you liked will share our messages. Since the Internet is wonderful for those who know how to use. we can not find beautiful crochet and can share. Stay with God and good crochet. Will share all like this blog

size 38
· Line Princess Fashion (cone 500m) of Incomfio

· 3 cones in Golden color (3038)

· Needle crochet n ° 2.5mm

· Lighter

employees points
Little chain (corr.), Slip stitch (p.bx.), low (bp), high point (per annum)
Network point: * 1 per annum, 1 corr. *


The whole body of the shirt is done in only one part. Make a little chains cord 96cm. Work following the diagram 1 and 2 by 26 carr. Now you should divide the work and work each part (fronts and backs) separately, leaving a space without to form the armhole, follow the diagram 3. Keep working right, the points of Figures 1 and 2 for another 14 carr. Tailpiece. Do the same for the back and the other forward. The blouse has no neck. Una shoulders with little chains. Tailpiece.


With the already united shoulders, work Network Point in carr. circular. Do this for 34 carr, decreasing 1 p. every 8 carr .. tailpiece. Do the same for the other sleeve.


Work on per annum on all around the jacket and cuffs. Tailpiece. Hide all wires and burn with lighter, if not make this line will drop, do it for any loose wires.
Buttons: make 4 corr close in a circle, work 7 bp, work well for another 3 carr close circle again and hold the button at the desired place, make 4 buttons in total...


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